I have the first iteration of her book but will be getting this one, as well. I also have all of Kathe's other books: Line in Tapestry, So Warped, and Tapestry 101. Kathe Todd-Hooker has been involved with tapestry making for many years and her curious mind continues to delve into techniques. She clearly shares what she learns through her classes and workshops, from what I've heard from her students. I can certainly attest to the clarity with which she provides information through her books. Once asked by someone in a class I was teaching which book I'd like to have with me if stranded on a desert island (book about tapestry, that is...) and I said without much hesitation, Tapestry 101. Now, if I could have SEVERAL books, I'd add the others that Kathe has written to the list of those with me on that island!
And, rumor has it that she's got a book about color in tapestry in the works. A sampling of ideas I'll bet she'll be sharing in the book are found in her online ATA article at: http://americantapestryalliance.org/education/educational-articles/the-simple-short-version-of-colour-movement-in-tapestry/
A list of books about tapestry weaving and other related topics has now been added to the American Tapestry Alliance website at this link. I've added it to the side bar at the left, as well. If you have suggestions to contribute to the list, please follow the instructions given at the ATA website to do so.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
thanks Tommye!
Thanks to you, Christopher, for your comment.